Saturday, August 20, 2011

Hi All!

Hi, my name is Dee and I'm an "onlineshopaholic"

I discovered online shopping a little later than most, for which I am grateful, but since discovering it I have been almost uncontrollable! the only thing that really "controls" my addiction is money, because I really cannot buy anything when I am broke can I? :), so sometimes being broke is a good thing for me.

Now that I have established my weakness, let me tell you why I started this blog. I decided to start this blog because I am constantly searching for reviews on the items I purchase but usually find very few, and I end up buying them, hoping they would be as great as they look online. Trust me, it would have helped if someone had been kind enough to let me know that the shoes I was about to buy would be unwearable because of their ridiculous heel, or the way they fit OR that I would love the shoes because they are amazingly comfortable despite being 5" (yea, I know, lol). I say shoes because they are my most "frequently bought items", I do buy other things however, as you will find out in subsequent posts.

In summary, welcome aboard my blog! I hope my upcoming honest, unbiased reviews help you all. 

Stay tuned!



  1. i am totally addicted to online shopping also. congrats on your new blog! we're both blogger newbies. :) i'm not that much shorter than you... so we have something in common. Hope i can get some great tips from you... following. :)


  2. @AdamAlexmommy Thank you for being my first commenter! took me almost a year to reply, and I'm sorry. Your comment is really appreciated. Will be over to ur blog in a snap!
